Tall Timbers Marina is a full service marina located along the Maryland Shores of the Lower Potomac River.
Tall Timbers Marina is a family owned and operated business since 1960
A long long time ago, in 1917 Uncle Henry Juenemann, the uncle of Grandma Kitty Meatyard, traveled down the Potomac River from Washington, D.C. on a steamboat, and stopped at the Landing in Piney Point known as the Tolson Hotel. When he stepped off the boat, he first met Mr. Tolson and asked him, “Who owns the property with the tall timbers?” Introductions were made and in 1920 Uncle Henry purchased PART OF PINEY POINT known as THRICE-CARTER TRACK containing approximately 132 acres. The name of this property was changed by Uncle Henry to Tall Timbers on the Potomac. Shortly afterward, a U.S. Post Office was opened at Bailey’s Store (now Dent’s). The first Post Master was Ruby Bailey, and due to her influence, the name Tall Timbers, MD was assigned to the Post Office and the town. Part of the track included “the wet lands, the fast lands, the water and the land beneath the waters of Herring Creek”. The creek’s bottom proved to be a productive oyster ground. Over the years, oysters were harvested and sold commercially at the Reluctant Navigator Restaurant, which was opened in 1971. In 2010, Rick and Spike Meatyard created The Double T Oyster Ranch, raising oysters in “brooders” (cages) on the family oyster grounds and harvesting oysters for sale in The Reluctant Navigator Restaurant.
In 1932, The Tall Timbers Camp for Boys was created by the Meatyard family for boys from the Washington, D.C. area and remained in operation until the outbreak of World War II. Camp Counselors included a Washington Redskin, Students of University of Florida’s law school, and Ross Allen of Silver Springs, Florida’s glass bottom boats and reptile farm. Allen imported, by freight train, several alligators up from Florida to the camp in the 1930’s. In the marina’s museum is a 1950 photograph of Ruby Bailey’s son, Jr. Bailey, with an alligator that was captured and killed in Herring Creek. Due to the war effort, in 1941, the Federal Government took possession of all available housing as living quarters for the military personnel at the new Patuxent River Naval Air Base. This marked the end of The Tall Timbers Camp for Boys.
Around 1958, the Federal Government passed a safe boating act to promote boating for the general public. Part of the responsibility to the public was to identify and establish safe harbors. In 1959, the Army Corps of Engineers identified Herring Creek as a safe harbor. This project was to be known as The Herring Creek Navigation Project. This project involved dredging the channel to a depth of 7 feet with a width of 60 feet and constructing two stone jetties extending into the Potomac River. This project was completed in the spring of 1960. The Meatyard family constructed and maintained, at their own expense, a marina for dockage for local and transient crafts. A boat ramp and parking area were also provided to allow public access to the states navigable waters.
With the arrival of the year 2017, only two years away, we will celebrate 100 years and six generations of family ownership of our little piece of heaven. Our doors are always open and we happily greet old friends and new friends alike. We take great pride in our “over 50 years of the same mis-management” of The Tall Timbers Marina. Thank you to our customers for your loyal support.
Little Ricky with Pop Meatyard, The General, and uncle Henry Juenemann. 1960.